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University of California, Irvine

In 1965, the University of California, Irvine (UCI) was founded with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service.

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In 1965, the University of California, Irvine (UCI) was founded with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service. Today, we draw on the unyielding spirit of our pioneering faculty, staff and students who arrived on campus with a dream to inspire change and generate new ideas. We believe that true progress is made when different perspectives come together to advance our understanding of the world around us. And we enlighten our communities and point the way to a better future. At UCI, we shine brighter.

As we look toward the future, UCI is poised to tackle the world’s great challenges and serve our community in truly meaningful ways. An anchoring institution of Orange County, UCI is a powerhouse of groundbreaking research and discovery – actively partnering with community and business leaders to enhance lives and make a difference. We envision a world where society is enriched by the cultural hub of art, science and learning only possible at a public university; where the economic structure of Southern California explodes with opportunity as UCI innovation meets industry; and where humanity is changed for the better by the brilliant ideas and work produced at UCI.

At the core of the University of California’s mission are three imperatives: education, research and public service. These principles are reflected in our pursuit of academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development.

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University of California, Irvine

In 1965, the University of California, Irvine (UCI) was founded with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service.


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In 1975, the University of California, Irvine (UCI) was founded with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service.

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